From New York to California
Our Clients' Testimonials
Extremely Professional
Dear Judy, I wish to thank you very much for all the assistance and support you gave me in my time of need. I am extremely grateful for the time and effort you put into my case. Your efforts were a significantly contributing factor to the fortunate outcome. Apart from your legal assistance the moral support you showed when we were at court was precious.
Criminal Defence Client (Personal)
Place on Record my Appreciation
Judy, As our recent troubles involving Mr K and his erstwhile employees appears to be heading for a satisfactory outcome, I wanted to place on record my appreciation for the role you played.
Your ability to win Mr K’s – at the very least – confidence astonished me. His comments to you helped us to arrive at an early understanding of his position, perhaps more difficult than usual given his and our different cultural perspectives.
Your frank advice to me as to how Mr K should be approached was especially valuable. On the basis of your advice I was able to take the matter in my own hands, to meet and deal with Mr K directly and to arrive at a resolution entirely to our satisfaction.
Your understanding of the arena of human emotions in which the law must be played out is a valuable attribute that I will not hesitate to call on again.
Please accept my thanks for your most useful contribution.
David Watt Director Q-Fit Australia
A Relief Amongst the Horrid Hordes of the Legal Establishment
Judy Swan is like a Southerly buster on a hot Sydney summer’s day – a relief amongst the horrid hordes of the legal establishment. Her foremost goal will be to settle complex matters in a common sense, practical manner outside the court. As such she will routinely save her clients tens of thousands of dollars. There is no greater professional satisfaction than this for her. I heartily recommend Judy whose South African heritage is noble, just and good. A rare person thoroughly worthy of your consideration as a legal counsel and advisor.
Peter Botsman Honorary Fellow at University of Melbourne, National Secretary of the Indigenous Stock Exchange
I Really Appreciated your Thoroughness
Thank you very much for your help with the sale and lease. I really appreciated your thoroughness and professionalism.
Commercial Client
Compassionate, Efficient and went Beyond the Call of Duty
I first met Judy at a very difficult time in my life. My mother was critically ill. Judy was compassionate, efficient and went beyond the call of duty to assist our family without losing her professionalism.
Lisa Sullivan
Do you know a Good Lawyer
Hi, I pass this on because how often do you hear someone ask ‘do you know a good lawyer.’ Judy Swan has just resolved 7 yr old sensitive legal matter for me in a matter of 72 hours….no fuss, a very fair cost and on with my life! Just keep her details on file just in case you need a good independent lawyer one day.